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SUPPORT The Tiananmen Mothers




The Tiananmen Square Massacre of June 4, 1989, remains a painful and significant event in modern Chinese history. During this brutal crackdown, countless ordinary and innocent people, including students, workers, and citizens, lost their lives. Their families were left to grieve in silence, facing both personal loss and political oppression. Unfortunately, after 35 years, “June 4” is still forbidden in China. The historical truth has been hidden from younger generations. In this context, "The Tiananmen Mothers" emerged as a courageous group of activists, dedicated to seeking justice and preserving the memory of the victims.


Let us not forget those innocent victims. Let us help their families by advocating for their right to accept humanitarian aid from organizations and individuals both inside and outside China.




I cannot turn a blind eye to the pain of those who suffer my same fate. As a group, they have been forgotten and forsaken by society. I made the firm decision to continue in my mission of locating and helping June Fourth families, until the government itself actively takes up this project and there is no longer any need for our efforts.

—Ding Zilin




Support Artists for June 4 Themed Work




The Tiananmen Square Massacre of June 4, 1989, is a significant yet heavily censored event in modern Chinese history. Artists play a crucial role in preserving the memory of such pivotal moments, using their creativity to keep the stories and truths alive. Supporting these artists is essential for promoting freedom of expression, historical accuracy, and social justice.


By supporting artists who create works themed around the Tiananmen Square Massacre, we honor the memory of the victims and uphold the values of truth and justice. These artists are the torchbearers of history, ensuring that the events of June 4, 1989, remain in the public consciousness despite efforts to erase them.
Let us stand with these artists by providing the financial, logistical, and moral support they need to continue their important work. In doing so, we contribute to a world where history is preserved, freedom of expression is protected, and social justice is advanced.


Supporting June 4 themed artistic works is a powerful way to keep the memory of the Tiananmen Square Massacre alive and promote the values of truth and justice. By backing these artists, we play a part in ensuring that such significant historical events are never forgotten.

The Importance of Artistic Expression

  1. Preserving History:

    • Art helps capture and convey the emotional and historical weight of significant events. Through paintings, music, literature, and theater, artists can tell the stories of June 4, ensuring that the sacrifices and bravery of the victims are not forgotten.

  2. Promoting Awareness:

    • Artistic works can reach a wide audience and spark conversations that might otherwise be suppressed. They serve as powerful tools for education, enlightening those who might be unaware of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, especially younger generations.

  3. Encouraging Dialogue:

    • Art encourages dialogue and reflection. By supporting June 4 themed works, we provide a platform for discussing broader themes of human rights, democracy, and freedom of expression.


Ways to Support Artists


  1. Funding and Grants:

    • Provide financial support through grants and funding specifically targeted at artists working on June 4 themed projects. This can help cover the costs of materials, research, and production.

  2. Exhibitions and Performances:

    • Organize exhibitions, concerts, and theater performances to showcase works related to June 4. These events can serve as a public forum for sharing these important stories and fostering community engagement.

  3. Publishing and Distribution:

    • Support the publication and distribution of books, articles, and digital media that highlight June 4 themed artworks. Ensuring these works reach a broad audience is crucial for their impact.

  4. Collaborations and Residencies:

    • Encourage collaborations between artists, historians, and activists. Residencies and workshops can provide artists with the resources and inspiration they need to create meaningful work.

  5. Online Platforms and Social Media:

    • Utilize online platforms and social media to promote and share June 4 themed art. Digital exhibitions and virtual galleries can make these works accessible to a global audience.

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