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At the Forget Me Not Foundation, we are dedicated to preserving the truth about significant individuals and pivotal events in modern Chinese history that have shaped Sino-US relations. This is a space where we share our findings on historical truths and the impact they have had on our world today.

As you know, this June Fourth marks the 35th anniversary of “The Tiananmen Square Massacre.” During this brutal crackdown, countless ordinary and innocent people, including students, workers, and citizens, lost their lives.


Unfortunately, after 35 years, “June 4” is still forbidden in China. The number of innocent Chinese citizens killed in that massacre is still unknown. Their families were left to grieve in silence, facing both personal loss and political oppression. The historical truth has been hidden from younger generations.​


The June Fourth Tiananmen Square Protests and Massacre remains a painful and significant event in modern Chinese history. It also has a tremendous impact on Sino-US relations. However, it is not the only untold truth to the Chinese people. In China, only the Party tells history. Many historical events and figures are told differently or twisted in Chinese history textbooks.


​In an era where misinformation can spread rapidly, preserving and disseminating truthful historical accounts is more important than ever. At this turning point in Sino-US relations, we need to go back and examine the views and narratives of historical figures, as well as their changing attitudes toward their own works and opinions. Preserving and truthfully recounting the key people and events that have shaped this relationship is not only a matter of historical accuracy but also a foundation for learning from the past to inform the future. Objective historical scholarship provides a counterbalance to propaganda and biased narratives that can distort public perception and policy.


​We feel it is our obligation and duty to seek, tell, and preserve the truths about significant individuals and pivotal events in modern Chinese history that have shaped Sino-US relations. From Edgar Snow, John Fairbanks to President Richard Nixon, we will start with the most current one, the June Fourth, 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests and Massacre.


Our mission is to safeguard these invaluable historical truths, inspiring a deeper understanding and appreciation of our collective past, and preparing future generations to build a free and democratic China.

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